
I've just been looking at this pre-set snap of a tablescape I worked on for a shoot a while back and thought, ooo yes, let's chat about that!

When you're styling a tablescape, it can be a big time-saver to pre-set. Why? 

It gives you a chance to PLAY!

If you're unsure which direction to go with layout, bring your ideas to life, and try more than one way of setting it up. Take some snaps as you're setting up each idea and have a look at which you prefer. This can help you iron out the placement. And remember, with styling, there are always a number of ways to do something. So get creative!

Where will guests see your table from?

Think about your guests' line of sight and where the table will be seen from. Will the table only be front-facing (seen from 180 degrees)? Like a buffet style with a stack of plates? Or from all sides of the table. Whether it's a sit-down or a help-yourself sort of set-up, this answer will help narrow down your placement.

Look at the scale of different elements on the table.

If it's a 180-degree viewpoint, your taller pieces can sit at the back. Think water jug and tumblers, a vase of flowers, or maybe cutlery sitting in a cute canister or glass. Place mid-height pieces like salad bowls or a stack of plates towards the middle and lower platters of nibbles, mains or sides towards the front.

Conversation and movement.

If you're looking at more of a sit-down dinner party, my top tip is to make sure people can see each other. Low vases (work in odd numbers) with florals, one low sculptural plant or arrangement, or a long grazing board can run through the centre. You can still have some height run through the centre, but just be sure to sit down and check you can see across the table.

If you would like to make a statement with a taller centrepiece or floral arrangement, that's ok too. Just pre-plan where you can pop it when everyone's ready to sit down. For example, a sideboard, coffee table, or even a spare chair. This is also a great option if you're bringing out a large share plate to sit in the centre of the table. Then there isn't a hole in your tablescape until the food arrives.

Create confidence!

Whether you're pre-setting off-camera for a shoot or organising a dinner party at home, pre-setting beforehand gives you the confidence that you're ready to go! So save yourself the stress of working things out on the day, have some fun, and enjoy being with your friends and family!


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